The movie G-FORCE "Guinea Pigs Agent" revolves around a team of trained secret agent called the G-FORCE a Guinea pigs Darwin (Sam Rockwell) the team leader, Juarez (Penelope Cruz) the 0martial artist, Blaster (Tracy Morgan) weapons/transportation mastermind, Mole Speckles (Nicolas Cage) (cyber intelligence), and Fly Mooch (high-tech surveillance) (Edwin Louis). The team G-FORCE takes on a mission for the FBI to stop evil billionaire Leonard Saber, who plans to destroy the world with household appliances. Before they can accomplish their mission, the government shuts them down and they are sentenced to a pet shop. Darwin, Juarez, Blaster, Mooch, and their new friends Hurley (Jon Favreau) and Hamster Bucky (Steve Buscemi) eventually escape from the cage, though Speckles is caught in a garbage truck in his attempt.G-FORCE team then returns to their handler, Ben, who provides them with the means to infiltrate the Saber residence and plant a virus in the computer mainframe. While the team G-FORCE is infiltrating the mainframe, the plan is put into motion, and the resulting battle separates the group, only leaving Darwin to take the mainframe down. At the same time, Leonard Saber is shocked to discover that his appliances have become killing machines, expecting them to simply be able to effectively communicate with each other. When Darwin reaches the mainframe, he finds out that Speckles, whose home and family had been destroyed by humans, is the mastermind of the plan. Speckles promptly amalgamates the various appliances in the vicinity into a giant walking being, which soon overpowers the police forces gathered at the mansion. Darwin manages to persuade Speckles that his new family is with the rest of the G-FORCE team and Ben, who had taken them all in. Speckles consents, and tries to shut it down, but realizes that it has gone too far aber makes the largest product recall in history, and Speckles is in charge of removing the malicious chips from all Saber products. "G-FORCE movie is a great movie adventure and actions 3d, i asure that you would enjoy you and your family" G-FORCE "Guinea Pigs Agent"
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