CupCake Cheats Super Money is a virtual world game in facebook where you can bake and customize your own Cake and make some coolest and awesome style in CupCake Cheats Super Money. this will help you make to have more money and exp. where you can also buy some many foods. just get all the item you want. but you must be fast enough to buy all the things you want. CupCake Corner Cheats Super Money requires cheat Engine v 5.6 and CE5.5 browser and your facebook account. Steps in CupCake Corner Cheats Super Money
1st Steps in CupCake Corner Cheats Super Money
-Go to facebook into CupCake Corner.
2nd Steps in CupCake Corner Cheats Super Money
-Patch it using piaip tool to allow fast eat, fast serve/cook, auto regeneration
3rd Steps in CupCake Corner Cheats Super Money
-Gain at least 1 gourmet point (exp point)
4th Steps in CupCake Corner Cheats Super Money
-Go into ce5.5, select brower as process
5th Steps in CupCake Corner Cheats Super Money
-tick hex, 8bytes, ASROM. Scan "FFFFFFB8D02A0FF2"
6th Steps in CupCake Corner Cheats Super Money
-1 address returned. (if nth found, READ step 3)
7th Steps in CupCake Corner Cheats Super Money
-Right click, disassemble it
8th Steps in CupCake Corner Cheats Super Money
-You'll see the line "mov eax,FFFFFFFF"
9th Steps in CupCake Corner Cheats Super Money
- Change it to "mov eax,00001388" and DO NOT CLOSE the memory viewer, you'll need it
10th Steps in CupCake Corner Cheats Super Money
-Now you will gain more exp per dishes.
11th Steps in CupCake Corner Cheats Super Money
-UNtick HEX and NEW SCAN your current level.
12th Steps in CupCake Corner Cheats Super Money
-(example: 20) you'll see alot of addresses, don't worry.
13th Steps in CupCake Corner Cheats Super Money
-Wait till you level up to 21. It'll be fast due to the exp
14th Steps in CupCake Corner Cheats Super Money
-Now change the "mov eax,00001388" BACK TO "mov eax,FFFFFFFF"
15th Steps in CupCake Corner Cheats Super Money
-NEXT SCAN your new level. In my example, it's 21.
16th Steps in CupCake Corner Cheats Super Money
-Only 1 address left. If more than 1, find an address with a pattern like this "xxxxxFBx".
17th Steps in CupCake Corner Cheats Super Money
-The value of this address will be your current level.
18th Steps in CupCake Corner Cheats Super Money
-Change the value to "1" Sometimes, you may get DISCONNECTED,
19th Steps in CupCake Corner Cheats Super Money
-try again if you got dc or try not to make too drastic changes in level.
Hope This will Help you in your Game
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